Photo credit: Jacob Green

I am a member of the Department of Philosophy at The University of Massachusetts Amherst, and an Associate Member of LanCog, a research group in the Centre of Philosophy at The University of Lisbon. I work mainly in metaphysics, but also have research interests in epistemology, ethics, philosophy of art, and various other areas of philosophy.

Most of my published articles are available on the Online Papers page of this website. There is also information about (and some excerpts from) a metaphysics textbook that I co-authored with John W. Carroll on the An Introduction to Metaphysics page.

Contact info:

  • Email: Ned’ (but replace Ned’sLastName with my actual last name)
  • Office: E421 South College
  • Mail: Ned Markosian, Department of Philosophy, E305 South College, 150 Hicks Way, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA, 01003-9274
  • Philosophy Department Phone: 413-545-2330